Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun carving jack-o-lanterns. Mike and I put on "The Addams Family" while we carved our pumpkins. Mike's is on the left, mine's on the right. (The flowers in the middle are Mike's surprise for me today after work. Isn't he the best? The picture just can't do them justice.) As good as the pumpkins looked just sitting there on the table...

...they looked even better when the lights were out! We noticed when we took the pictures that the light from the jack-o-lanters was reflected off the table.

And so we took this hauntingly, wonderfully creepy one of Mike's. Between the gorgeous flowers Mike surprised me with and the perfect pumpkin carving night, I've made this discovery: holidays are better when you're married!


  1. Oh so creepy! Awesome pix! That sounds like such a fun holiday time! We haven't done that yet over here...might not get to this year but you can bet we're going to the Halloween party on Friday with the kiddos in costume!

  2. Wonderful pumpkins Mike and Michelle. Kevin is trying to get me enthused to do them this year. Will I or won't I?
    MOM S

  3. We're finally getting around to carving our pumpkin tonight (10/29). We were going to carve 2, but we decided to save one for a Halloween dinner on Sunday. Mmmmm...pumpkin black bean chili served in a pumpkin! Happy Halloween!

  4. p.s. Beautiful flowers! I love those sweet surprises too:)
