Monday, November 1, 2010

Creepy Cooking, Festive Feasting, and Eerie Eyeballs

What makes holidays so fun is the traditions that go along with them. For example, what would Halloween be like without Mom's sugar cookies? Boring! I always looked forward to the pumpkin, ghost, and black cat cookies she made. Not being quite so ambitious as her, I stuck with pumpkins. They're the easiest to decorate. Mike helped. He did the bottom two.

Halloween Eve was our Autumn Feast. We had Harvest Moon Macaroni and Cheese and Pumpkin Parfaits. (Recipes available upon request.) Note the look of anticipation on Mike's face. It reassures me that 15 years of nuking Lean Cuisine as a single person has not ruined me and I can cook after all.

When I asked Mike what he wanted for Halloween dinner on Sunday, the first thing he said was "bloodshot eyeballs." So this is what I came up with. I call them Creepy Monster Peepers.

Next on the menu was Witches Brew. Being a doctor comes in handy (no pun intended) because I could pilfer the glove to make it.

And last but not least, our snake calzone. We had a lot of fun making this one.

This is Mike in the moment of discovery that calzone cheese had leaked out of the snake through the olive eyeballs and it totally looked like pus. It was fascinating and disgusting at the same time, but it tasted really good.
And grossed us out.


  1. It's a challenge to type while laughing at the last photo. It looks like you both had a great time. Thanks for sharing. We love you!
    Mom S

  2. you guys are so dang creative! What a bizarre and yummy and funny autumn feast. My favorite pic is the last - I burst out laughing.

  3. You guys are hilarious! Very fun and creative:)
