Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Ultimate Petting Zoo

One thing about going back and talking about vacations is that it can get so boring if you weren't there. It just becomes a litany of "and then we did this... and then we did that..." How many people have haunting memories of being forced to listen to great aunts' and uncles' travelogues during extended family reunions? Really, does anyone else besides the vacationer love rehashing every detail of the trip?

I decided I don't care. I pet a lion cub in New Zealand, and I want everyone to know.

Mike pet one, too. And it was awesome.

It may be anticlimactic after talking about feeding a lion, but we can't forget the wallabies. They were just so darn cute and they followed us around like little puppy dogs.

So did the goats. Not as exotic as lions or wallabies, but still fun. Take notice of the hairy pig far in the background. I loved him. He largely ignored us.


  1. hahaha :) I LOVED reading this! I love that I can see your awesome sense of humor - just the way you tell things makes me smile! This is the BEST blog EVER, in my humble unbiased opinion! ;)

  2. It sounds like you loved the hairy pig in the foreground too, even though he's not quite as exotic as the goats. ;)
