Sunday, July 3, 2011

This weekend, Mike and I celebrated our first anniversary. We drove to Oregon and visited Mike's family the first night. On Friday, we went to Enchanted Forest (pictures will be forthcoming). Saturday and Sunday we drove up and down the gorgeous Oregon coast (again, pictures will follow in the days ahead).

At one point when we were driving, I was exhausted and I laid back in my chair to take a snooze. Mike kept enthusiastically pointing out sights along the road, then saying, "OK, now I'll let you sleep." I had almost drifted off for the fifth time when Mike blurted out, "Look, SHEEP!" I suppose that some people may have been frustrated, but I just started laughing and sat up. Why? Because I was filled with overwhelming gratitude that I have a husband who loves to talk with me and loves to share things with me and is so excited to be with me that he can't contain his enthusiasm. It's more than I ever could have asked for. We enjoyed the rest of the drive, pointing out fun, silly, and beautiful things to each other.

It was an incredible anniversary weekend, but more so, it has been an incredible first year of marriage to an incredible, amazing man that I love with all my heart.


  1. Beautiful expressions of love Michelle. Our first anniversary was filled with love too because it was being shared with not only two but with three. So July 3 was in a way a 'second' first anniversary for you. We love you and Mike. Glad your anniversary was wonderful!

  2. Happy 1st Anniversary! We love you guys! Sometimes Chris goes out to Portland for work. I hope one day I can go too!

  3. Happy Anniversary darlings! Love you! From your favorite New Yorkers.
