Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eat the Pig, Eat the Pig, Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy Zig!

The last weekend in January, Mike and I celebrated our first date (which was January 31, 2010) by having a date that lasted pretty much the entire weekend. It was fantastic! It started with dinner at Portland City Grill and a view of the Portland sunset from the 30th floor. It was such a fun and romantic atmosphere and the dinner was delicious. I had a yummy beet salad and an incredible crab-stuffed halibut. Mike had a filet mignon that looked so good I was almost (but not quite) tempted to try it.

After dinner, we went to see Brian Regan, who is one of the few clean comedians out there. It was the most beautiful theater I think I've ever been in. You can kind of see it in the background but the picture doesn't do it justice.

We stayed the night at Mom Clark's house and Saturday we had game night with the family. One of the things I absolutely love about Mike's family is that they just enjoy being together. They're very close and every time we go down, someone's arranging to get together and play games. It's great. Here's Scott with Daniel on his lap thinking about his next move. But it was all for naught, because I ended up winning. Mwa ha ha!!

Our date weekend continued on Sunday with our new family tradition: 5th Sunday sundae. The name basically says what it is. This tradition has its roots in the (in)famous Stacey Pig Pie. For the uninitiated, Pig Pie was started around 1986 when our family was living in Okinawa, Japan. What is it? It is The Ultimate Sundae. Crush Oreos, Nutter Butters, or any other combination of cookies or brownies in the bottom of a big bowl. The size of the bowl should directly correspond to the number of family members and the size of their stomachs. (Mike's stomach is nigh bottomless, which is why our bowl for only two people is so big.) Then scoop the ice cream. 2-3 different kinds is best. On top of the ice cream, sprinkle M&Ms, Reese's Pieces, pralines, or whatever other candy sounds good to you. You'll see we added bananas for a touch of nutrition. Top with caramel sauce, hot fudge, and/or whipped cream. I will never recommend a cherry on top. To finish up, everyone gets big spoons and digs in. Obviously, this is only done with people you're really, really comfortable with.
Now, I don't know how Pig Pie was invented, but my most vivid memory of Family Home Evening growing up (sorry, Mom and Dad) involves Pig Pie. Our family had picked up some bad dietary and exercise habits as a whole, and an entire Family Home Evening was dedicated to learning about good health and nutrition. I don't remember much about that lesson except for Dad saying at the end, "OK, everyone, now let's forget about this lesson and go have some Pig Pie!"
So for all of you parents out there struggling with weekly FHE and wondering if it makes a difference, YES IT DOES! Especially the treat part.


  1. What a fun weekend Michelle and Mike! And yes, I remember that FHE. Your pig pie looks yummy.

  2. One of my most vivid FHE memories was from when I had given the lesson about not being selfish, but sharing instead. The last amen had been said and it was announced that the treat was homemade cookies. I immediately rushed into the kitchen and yelled "I get the biggest one!" The contrast with my lesson was so stark that everybody laughed because they thought I was joking.
