Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fun Activity of the Day

I've started this thing with Sophia we call "The Fun Activity of the Day." We've only been doing it a week or so, but it's something she really looks forward to. Poor Ryan always seems to be excluded because of his age. Also because the "fun activities" seem to be inherently messy and Ryan can amplify messy by a factor of about a trillion. ٩(๏̯͡๏)ゞ

While Ryan is napping, Sophia is helping me make mango cupcakes. 

She put all the liners in the cupcake tray, then ate dough and mango curd while I put the rest of the ingredients together.

After she licked all the dough off the whisk, she became quite bored. I ended up finishing the cupcake making myself and, in true "Little Red Hen" fashion, watched the rest of the family come by to help me eat the cupcakes after clean up was done. 

Worth it for the memories and to be able to get this picture:

1 comment:

  1. You are either brave or crazy to cook with a little girl who is wearing a white dress:) Love the picture!
