Monday, October 24, 2011

BedPost #1

So, there's been a temporary change in the title of our blog. Here's why, along with the reason I've kind of been off the grid for the last few weeks with our share of ups and downs.

The day after Mike's birthday, we found out that we're pregnant again. Yay!

But then the week after that I started what happened in the last pregnancy. Boo.

I rested that weekend then went to the OB, who said everything looked OK. Yay!

But then one weekend later, I bled so much that I was certain I had miscarried again. Boo.

I had an emotionally rough weekend then went to be checked out by the OB so that I could confirm the loss...and the doctor picked up a tiny little heartbeat. I was so totally beyond shocked that I couldn't even say "yay." They also found a rather large blood clot right by the baby that bleeds off and on and puts me at a 33% chance of miscarriage. Uh, so that's a "boo."

They put me on progesterone and bed rest for a week. I'm now on semi bedrest with light duty and maximum 4 hours of work a day until I'm at least 18 weeks along. It's been tough. No lifting more than 5 pounds. Avoid stairs. Minimal exercise. And the progesterone makes me extremely nauseated and light-headed, so I spend most of my time sitting or lying down whether I'm at work or at home.

On the plus side, things are looking good. Baby's growing, progesterone levels are increasing. I get to spend a lot more time with Mike. I get to study scriptures and work on crafts and catch up on sleep. Not a bad pitcher of lemonade to make from all those lemons!


  1. Wow Michelle. You guys are going through a rough time and I'm so happy that the baby is growing and you're doing what you can - which is mostly rest! What awesome parents you'll be. That is one lucky baby, in more ways than one.
    We Love you guys. Miss you tons.

  2. I sure hope that it all goes well for you. I'm glad that you're trying to make a positive experience out of this. In the end it will all be worth it! What a cute little baby he/she will be:) You're in our prayers.
