Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sophia

Happy 2nd Birthday,

 Sophia Jumping Bean
Silly Lily
Baby Girl!

 I love you how love Minnie Mouse
stuffed animals
singing songs
and jumping.

 You're my helper girl
ray of sunshine
bundle of love.

I worry about your shyness
not being there for you during the day
your picky eating.

 The last two years with you have been full of wonder, excitement, and laughter.
Sometimes I wish I could pause time and keep you just as you are,
but I can't wait to see all the marvelous adventures the next year will hold for you.

I love you, my sweet little Sophia!


  1. So sweet! What a little bundle of sunshine you have in that little lady! :) Happy Birthday!

  2. She is simply adorable. What a sweet girl. You are one amazing mama.

  3. Happy birthday Sophia! We are so sad that we haven't seen you for two years. My goodness how you've changed. Mike and Michelle, someday we hope to be stationed at the same location for longer than just a few weeks.
