Saturday, December 17, 2011

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

A year after starting our Christmas stockings, I finally (FINALLY) finished them...with the invaluable help of my mom, who stitched together the fabric part of the stockings. Mike's is on the right, mine on the left.

In other news, we had another ultrasound this week and everything looks good. The baby was crossing his/her legs, though, so we still don't know whether it's a boy or a girl. Mike thinks it's a girl being modest. I think it's a boy being a stinker. Next ultrasound isn't for five weeks, so it'll be a while longer before we get another chance to find out.


  1. The socks look fantastic!! I loved having a small part in the creation. Glad everything is going well with the new little one.

  2. I love how the stockings turned out! And I'm very excited to find out what you're having. We'd love a phone call when you find out:)

  3. Oh so pretty!!! Can't wait to hear more about your little peanut!

  4. These stockings look amazing! So good to see you again! Glad everything checked out on the ultrasound-- minus the modesty issue.
